Not the hedgehog

Posted: September 22, 2011 by aquasac in Smell These with Aqua Sac

Just a bit of random information that will save you money, but bust your bladder.

We are all familiar with Sonic’s 44 oz Route 44 (is it “root”, or “rouwt”, I don’t know). We all love Sonic ice too. It’s like, it’s like, like, I don’t know. Ooh, like the feeling of droppin’ a deuce after walking 200 yards, with each step enticing that prairie dog to peak out a little more until it’s about to fall out of it’s cave when you plop yourself on the cold seat of the crapper. Yeah, that’s how good, refreshing and satisfying Sonic ice is.

Anyway. . . I did an experiment. I had a cup of Route 44 Sonic ice and a 20 oz bottled Coke. I poured the 20 oz Coke into the “44 oz” drink, only to find that with all that ice, it doesn’t even hold 20 oz of Coke. What a gimmick!

So, my point is, if you don’t know, to ask for “easy ice” when you get a Sonic drink. It’s still plenty of ice, and you get a lot more for your money.

  1. girolahozz says:

    But I really just want the coke flavored ice…

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